Today as Mars marched onto 7 Leo, conjunct Mercury I got triggered as my ascendant at 7 Scorpio is ruled by Mars (and Pluto). Natal Mars being posited on 7 Pisces which is in the fourth house – the home, the roots and the ancestry..and here lies the gold…it was also due to transit Lilith now reaching that mars at 7 Pisces that I suddenly-Mercury/ Uranus in mutual reception – got more insight to do with my former life as my great gran Bella- the ancestry/4th – connection.
As at soul level we are one and the same..She had become a lady of the night in that life and had sold her body – Venus in the third house, of Mercury. Her life had been filled with fear, often running away in the night in fear for her life. In this life I had been agoraphobic for five years simply as I felt so unsafe “out there”. This is my Chiron placement, in Pisces, conjunct Saturn and opposing Pluto/ Uranus in the tenth, and yes my death was sudden and violent. Hello agoraphobia. Well this morning my lovely Uranus brought me a thunderbolt and I can now make sense of another part of my life as Bella which overlaps at times into this life as Kat.
Earlier this life as a young woman I had become a travelling representative, selling- Mercury as commerce, ladies luxury items – so using Venus in Mercury’s house. I had been the company’s first female rep, they were very old school – Saturn, and my boss – the authority, a misogynist and I now realise a narcissist.
He had made my life “hell”. Constantly criticising my sales delivery, the fact I had missed a buying signal or simply telling me how to drive my car. All Mercury you notice. I soon became their top rep and was promoted to sales trainer and trained many young female reps whilst he retired early..I loved – Venus- that job…it represented freedom. His birthday had been the 21st of May, the sabian for this is 0 Gemini…that is my north node…when I had met my now ex, father of my two first children, his ex wife’s birthday was the same degree, she was also a 0 Gemini girl. Of course she hated me, I appeared successful, had a company car and was a lot younger than him (her ex). I knew then in my pre astrology days about 0 Gemini and steered clear of all “ Geminis” just to make sure.
Despite that I married one eventually, but I digress….and to further digress our wedding anniversary is the 22nd of May, 1 Gemini.
Anyway a long time ago I had used my preseli bluestone to enter the akashic- it’s a key- Chiron – to ancient healing. I had asked the stone to enlighten me as to why I had all this fear. The screenshot I was shown was of a prostitute running for her life, into a fat, red faced narcissist who I knew without any words was her pimp. It was later on another day whilst me and preseli were communicating in this manner that I found out it was me that was this prostitute.
It’s only now thanks to the 7 degree cacophony that it suddenly comes in that that pimp was my old boss.. I can hear – Mercury – him now berating me as Bella, telling me how to move – Mercury, to dance, to strip, and entertain men, (Leo midheaven btw). In this life the relevance was him telling me how to sell, drive, and how to park…he didn’t care a single jot about me as Bella or her safety- in the local neighbourhood- you get it , Mercury. He only cared about the Venus- money- he would lose if I was dead. I don’t know who gave me this snippet this morning but it was priceless, like the final piece in a jigsaw..I have had many other times in this life where I have been “under threat” . One being my neighbours vicious Alsatian, and how it was always chasing me…in the local neighbourhood, yet again we meet Mars ..oh and hello Mars / Uranus in square.