I had long since known about the Vedic method of ruler ship whereby the ruler of my twelfth house of losses/trouble was in my third house, as I have Libra on my twelfth, Venus in the third is where I have previously met my losses; in a variety of ways.
It’s Gemini’s house, so don’t be surprised that I have issues with my older sibling (a sister), and the neighbours (this is another blog post entirely) as well as the local neighbourhood and lastly cars and people dying in them as well as some who lost their minds…but I digress ..the Libra element, the one on the twelfth house cusp had brought inequality, disharmony in my relationships, it also had brought favouritism- between my sib and I.
If you think you have the stomach for this one dear reader, brace yourself as what I learned was unbelievable.
Having not seen my sister (Gemini) in years I was not really interested in her astrology, I already knew enough.
I remember my relationship with her from when I was a child and particularly the many dead legs and dead arms I got from her.
I also remember complaining to my single mother about her treatment of me and her response being “sort it out yourselves” which equated to beat the shit out of her (me).
My Venus in the third is peregrine, you see, she’s alone and unsupported, as well as that she also rules my descendant/seventh house cusp.
The only so called ‘minor aspect’ is a quincunx to my Libra moon in my eleventh, which is also peregrine save for this same quincunx.
My mother – moon – favoured my Venus – little beauty – sister.
As I had her birth time I thought I might as well use it as I had been studying siblings in depth around this time.
It was shocking for me to see she had 3 degree Aries rising with Pluto / Uranus conjunct in her sixth house.
Why? I hear you say.
Well my husband who I love dearly has a 2 degree Aries rising with a Pluto / Uranus / Jupiter conjunction in his sixth house.
( They are both workaholics, heavily invested with work and service)
What are the chances?
At the same time I had also noted that my eldest daughter who is 6 degrees Scorpio rising and that her younger sibling (another girl) had a boyfriend who was 5 degrees Scorpio rising.
There was a book which seemed to appear syncronisticly in my eyeline as I was logging on to Amazon around this time, it was by Brian Clark and was titled the Sibling constellation.
I bought it, read it and was dumbfounded.
He talked about the third house- siblings- and how what was on its cusp and any planet in it related to your sibling/s.
Well my third cusp was Capricorn-yes you’ve guessed it -she was the authority, I’ve already mentioned how many times she battered my bones,(Saturn)
She was bossy and cold.
Brian Clark, the author, goes on to say what you learn from your sibling in terms of how you relate, share etc goes next into the seventh house of partners, ( remember Venus – in my third, she also rules my Taurus 7 th cusp)
I had learnt how to stand and fight. How to come to accept that no one would protect me and I would have to do that myself.
Many years later having learnt this from my sibling it reared its ugly head in my partnerships.I had attracted men as my partners who were “cappy” so bossy and cold, they were also workaholics ( remember my sis / my hubby both shared Pluto / Uranus in their sixth house, of work and service) but weirdly they had both been the favoured child.
Every one of my key and pivotal relationships (all three including one I’m still married to) had been favoured over their sibling.
Not always by the parents though. My husband had been his grandads favourite grandson (as he was a boy).
This was interesting still further as I had studied my late father’s chart and as he was a twin it was even more interesting to see Pluto in his third house conjunct the moon.
His mother preferred his twin sis, she was favoured and he was scapegoated.
He must have found it very hard to love his twin as his mother- moon,divided them in this insidious manner.
It’s no surprise that (according to Brian) he had partnered my mother. As she – just like me – also had Venus, peregrine in her third house.
They understood each other as both of them had experienced being unfavoured.
You would have thought that my mother would have treated us the same what with her receiving this herself but no ..she thought she was unloved because she had been the middle child, as we were only two it simply was not comparable in her mind.
Brian then goes on to say that what you learn from/by your siblings teachings after you have translated it and unconsciously applied it to your one to one partnerships in your seventh house signatures you then take it on to the 11 th house of friends and further apply your findings to who/what types of people you will gravitate towards .
This ones interesting as I don’t have many friends, I believe I had learnt it was better to go it alone.( remember my peregrine moon in here.) By the end of reading this book everything I had previously discovered and understood made sense.
It was all explained ,the bit that really proved blew my mind was how I had unconsciously looked for a relationship with my older sib in my one to one partnerships with my husband – this is how I sought out his 2 Aries rising with Pluto /Uranus conjunct in his sixth.( which was just one degree off her 3 Aries rising and Pluto/Uranus conjunct in her sixth)
Likewise my second daughter had also gone looking for her older sib, she had met her boyfriend who had – just like me got a rising sign one degree off her older sib.
Furthermore the two planets that her older sib had posited in her third house did indeed describe the younger sibs boyfriends character. (that’s deceptive Neptune conjunct unstable Uranus)
It is absolutely mind blowing how we do this. If anyone had said I would seek out my older sib ( her attributes /qualities) in my marriage partner I would have told them they were mad.
Unconsciously I have done just that.
Eventually after the two failed attempts – where I attracted the darker shadow sides of the respective energetic signatures ,I found a partner who whilst being a workaholic (Cappy) was still able to treat me with respect- more Cappy.
It has indeed took a long time – Cappy on the third – learning- third house – how to relate- seventh cusp, Libra’s house but with my Taurus on my descendant as well at least I have been able to feed and house myself whilst this was taking time-Cappy.