The Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22° Capricorn and its outcomes for natives with Saturn-Pluto aspects
On waking after sleeping badly I realised I had been lucid, in dream state most of the night. There were just so many stories, visions I had witnessed that I neither had the time – Saturn nor the memory – Mercury (square Neptune natally) to record. Hubby (Gemini) was awake, he had also slept badly..making tea and returning to bed l needed to offload onto paper, by now only one lucid story remained. It was then I noticed I could not write it, share it with paper as he was sat next to me. Hmm, I thought whys that? The guides were still with me, that’s because Jupiter is conjunct the south node in Capricorn right now, they are here to teach me, about me, and my ancestral legacy as my natal Jupiter is in my eighth house also in Gemini.
This brings lots of ancient knowledge usually about sex and death as ruler of my eighth house cusp is Mercury who sits exact atop my IC. One of my many Jupiter guides is Bella, my great grandmother, who is actually a former “me”. She was a prostitute and died after sex (it was of course a taboo) by having a back street abortion. When I traced her through genealogy and the ancestry website her death certificate said she died of asthenia, which is bleeding out, the rest of course it omits as a back street abortion was not a cause of death. It was then I understood I had Bella in my brain talking to me, as to the reason why I won’t write or speak or teach if I feel I am being watched. I have noted before when speaking about personal issues I feel vulnerable like when you are having sex (intimacy/eighth house). I feel other people should not see it as its private. Even though I want to share my Gemini ideas, l cannot as my subconscious until now has not been able to separate having sex, the movement element of mercury and the speaking out, writing, sharing ideas teaching elements of Mercury. I hear words but without any, she parcels up knowledge and blows bundles of it into my consciousness. She used Neptune in Scorpio in my first house in square to mercury in Aquarius, on the I C and ruling the eighth with jupe in it..she said your Mercury in Aquarius won’t allow it, as it’s embarrassed and confused – Neptune, as you used that Mercury (as me) for sex, eighth house, forgot to mention my Sun is also conjunct Mercury, sex, hmm, and forgetting – Neptune as it’s shameful, hmm more Neptune. I want to say “for fucking sure”.
My unconscious, Scorpio, is now conscious. I have not spoken, have been silenced, have been restricted of movement – Mercury, twice being hospitalised, Neptune, due to not understanding, not being conscious about my Mercury and how I had used it then in a shameful – Neptune way. In Scorpio, for sex – Sun conjunct Mercury and how at some unconscious level I knew that Mercury – movement, had ended my life as Jupiter is in the eighth house and had brought me too much sex. I had expanded- pregnant and had paid the ultimate price in my eighth- death being by Mercury on the IC.
Exactly (and I checked) as Saturn conjuncted Pluto on 22 degrees Capricorn, it sextiled my natal Neptune on 22 degrees Scorpio, I got privy to a load more healing secrets, ancestral legacies and taboos. Notwithstanding today Mercury is also on 22 degrees Capricorn along with Sun on 21 and Ceres.
This simply blows my mind- my Mercury is in mutual reception to Uranus in Virgo in my tenth conjunct Pluto. This understanding is massively healing to me, this is part of a t square with that Jupiter in Gemini l have described at its head.