Whilst contemplating with a cup of tea in the garden hut my attention was brought to Antoine fish,(real surname!) she was a friend I had when I was in infant school- Mercury- she lived local as you would expect, my train of thought went like this, I can remember her house on an estate and also the tropical fish shop next door but one to her house, my dad was an avid fish keeper and many times we went to…..
In days of old gatherings of clan would have met for ritual. It was a time for ceremony, for giving thanks, for releasing and for sharing. Stonehenge was one such place. The solstices were when the veil was at its thinnest and re connection with the dear departed was easier to achieve. The moon would have been full and low, the air thick and expectant. They chanted, hummed and clapped intermittently. These days there is no such similar ceremony. We are only just relearning how to…..