My teenage daughter had left home to live with her father late 2010- unbeknownst to me Venus had been retrograde in Scorpio at this time. Times were sure not easy but carry on I did , I had three other kids to think about ,a business and a house to run. Things took a massive turn for the worst in June 2012 when my daughter who had left got back in touch and it was then that I got my…..
In days of old gatherings of clan would have met for ritual. It was a time for ceremony, for giving thanks, for releasing and for sharing. Stonehenge was one such place. The solstices were when the veil was at its thinnest and re connection with the dear departed was easier to achieve. The moon would have been full and low, the air thick and expectant. They chanted, hummed and clapped intermittently. These days there is no such similar ceremony. We are only just relearning how to…..
I had long since known about the Vedic method of ruler ship whereby the ruler of my twelfth house of losses/trouble was in my third house, as I have Libra on my twelfth, Venus in the third is where I have previously met my losses; in a variety of ways. It’s Gemini’s house, so don’t be surprised that I have issues with my older sibling (a sister), and the neighbours (this is another blog post entirely) as well as the…..
Instability to do with love and money – Venus Issues Whilst out and about locally last year I met a middle aged woman at a place I frequented where I knew the owner who had an antique shop.This woman worked for him restoring furniture. She’s a Scorpio rising with a Leo sun, she breathed new life into old shit -Scorpio and made it look nice – Leo. It turned out that this year has been tough for her, as she’s…..