In days of old gatherings of clan would have met for ritual. It was a time for ceremony, for giving thanks, for releasing and for sharing. Stonehenge was one such place.
The solstices were when the veil was at its thinnest and re connection with the dear departed was easier to achieve. The moon would have been full and low, the air thick and expectant. They chanted, hummed and clapped intermittently. These days there is no such similar ceremony. We are only just relearning how to manifest our desires and how to release our negative programming, in order to make room for the new and the positive.
Primitive man knew all about karma. They knew about their ancestors and how to connect with them.They used the energy from the Earth in a way we have long since forgotten. Mother Earth in her infinite wisdom birthed Preseli bluestone, it originates from the Welsh Preseli mountains, a place of legend, of folklore, of dragons and King Arthur.
Despite that this stone has been found in the stone circle of Stonehenge in Wiltshire, some 200 miles away. It is a mysterious piece of mineral, looking like the night sky itself, but it’s not its look that makes it an enigma, it is its ‘ feel’. For many of my first meetings with this stone I simply cried. Anyone with unhealed ancestral inheritances (DNA) may well respond like I did. It is a timeline, a portal back to the past and to the future, this is why it was put (transported) to Stonehenge – they knew this as I do now. Many times I cried, each time a little less until now I realise what was going on. I had connected – plugged myself in- to Preseli energy- there had been a shift in me. They, my ancestors, were alive within me only now I know it.