It’s many years since I first noticed I had this effect on people.
Despite the fact that I never needed to say anything, women especially, would meet me and somehow realise they no longer needed or wanted to be married to their current husbands.
Once I was a student on a college course, I was studying anatomy, physiology and massage. A lecturer who was a lot older than me also had a business, she offered me a part time job at her holistic beauty salon on a flexible basis.
At that time I had two young children and had left my partner even before I had given birth to our second child.
I accepted and was now officially ‘a working mother’.
Whilst in her employ she confided in me how unhappy she had become with her husband, how he treated her and the problems that she felt were now appearing in her two sons – they were now of an age where they knew what was going on between their parents.
She had been too materialistic, too wrapped up in the home to see how she could branch out, to survive on her own and be able to support her boys, possibly by herself.
I appeared, the Universe had sent me, this is my role, one of them, at least – to appear at the right point in their life to empower them to make the necessary changes. My Pluto/Uranus conjunction in my tenth is part of my career path, even if I wasn’t going get paid I was still called to do this work.
She could see by my example, as I was happy and free, was able to sustain myself and I was not full of regret. My children were thriving.
It was the first time I had noticed that I had this effect on people, on looking back I was able to see she was not the first to branch out after meeting me.
It’s about energy, my atomic Pluto/Uranus, noticeable to others by its high position in my chart, they pick this up on some level and seem to run with it.
I bring the sudden breakdown – Uranus – and necessary empowerment – Pluto – to them and their lives are subsequently transformed.
They are able to release – Pluto – let go of whatever/whoever is necessary.
This happens usually when the person is 40, on her Uranus opposition.
In my astrology practice this is now so noticeable to me.
Many of my clients have met me over my table when they have been on their Uranus oppositions.
What gets aired is much the same, the scenarios, stories are all slightly different but with the same Uranus undertones.
There is a volcano rumbling. I’m sorry but it’s mine, my Uranus is twinning with theirs.
There needs be no words between us, I don’t need to say anything. My Uranus simply asks theirs ‘are you happy with the status quo?‘
down the line I hear ‘No’ as I am told locally (my Mercury is in mutual reception with my Uranus) that she has left.