Earlier today whilst cleaning with a friend we were discussing various different things going on in her life now that I had gone through some 18-19 years (a lunar nodal cycle) ago. She is a Leo sun and fellow Scorpio rising like I am. When we had first met I had done her chart and had discovered “what we shared” meaning what it is that is in both her karma and mine. This is one of my “morbid specialties” it’s…..
Waking at dawn, I opened the windows and listened to the loud chorus of birds, my husband was sleeping soundly. I decided I would lay with preseli, putting my dragon in one hand and a small rough chunk in the other. Lucidly thoughts were floating about but the first thing I noticed was a physical sensation behind my left ear, it was the usual light touch of spirit. At first no astrology was included, although I felt understanding about where…..
Here is a brief introduction to preseli bluestone and how I use it to “ connect” to the ancestors. As a deep and searching person I found that this energy really resonated with me. I can hold it in my aura and instantly connect with it like I am entering another space and time. Its hardly surprising when you realise this stone forms part of the inner ring at Stonehenge and the ancients celts/druids put it there as they had…..
It’s the Venus /Pluto (22 degrees) conjunction and let’s not forget they are up close and personal to Saturn also. You only have to turn on the tv and watch the news as I have tonight to see this playing out in every story featured. Whether it be Brexit politics in the UK, the Labour Party breaking up in the UK or the tales about paedophilic men who have been caught and prosecuted for predating and raping both women and…..
With Uranus’s sudden and literal departure from Aries into Taurus it has so far been noticeable for its erratic characteristics bringing the rumblings of the Aries archetype in the underbelly of the Uranus volcano, as the astrologers amongst you will know it’s virtually there but not quite, nevertheless those natives who have this high in their charts are getting zapped now.. As during the Aries sojourn my ram headed Aries rising husband had started a business. Over the past eight…..
Once upon a time, there was a house I was asked to value for rental . So I went along to have a gander round on my way in to work one morning. Keys were in the lock and virtually upon the door swinging open I could sense dense energy. It enveloped me immediately, on taking my first tentative step inside it was decided that the door was going to remain open. It was a small and damp stone cottage…..
When I had set up my business – Saturn- as a letting agent, it was whilst working within my local- mercury – neighbourhood- that I found stuff out that is relevant now. I had resented how I had lost – Neptune -my previous business – it squares the Mercury – in the fourth house of homes- letting -Saturn – land and property- is also in my fourth house of homes. The business that was lost was a healing -Pluto- business…..
Continuing in the same vein as my previous post…about my late great gran Bella, and her much troubled life around 1900 in Brighton in the UK. I had been studying her life in depth using ancestry.com Bella had become lost, she was the black sheep of her family, this is easy to see as the census gives it away. All her siblings were either workers or scholars and in the column it said so, not her, she had nothing next…..
It’s a few years now since I got into genealogy, spending hour upon hour investigating my ancestral line and seeing who died of what and when. Each ancestors birth details would be inputted into my astrological software and I would make notes of things like when they were admitted to the workhouse or the asylum. I jest not, when you start out on this journey you look for news of longevity and many healthy children. What you find – in…..
I had become enlightened recently to do with the Sabian symbol 24 Cancer, it’s meaning of “triangulation“ within relationships – three- one being too many, and how every one I meet is “doing “ one end of it or the 24 Capricorn polar opposite end now. As the transiting lunar nodes are approaching this degree in the cosmos soon, currently being on 26 degrees and travelling retrograde as they do, these issues are coming up now for review, to be…..