Ancestral charts fascinate me, my late father had Mercury in Scorpio in his sixth house, with Scorpio on the cusp. He worked in a forge. My older sister (as a first born is doing dad’s karma) she has Pluto in her sixth house, conjunct Uranus, from her role in HR she oversaw the safety for gangs of men who worked on the electric power lines.(the national grid) As a second born child l follow mothers karma, but will go looking…..
Over the past few weeks l had been researching ley lines and earth energy and how it magnetically travels along these lines in straight lines, whether through mountains rivers or houses it mattered not. We as humans (and especially me, due to my pisces stellium) pick up on this magnetism through our own “aura” . The problem is we can become sick- if the ley is blocked for some reason or alternatively receive amazing vitality and healing when the lines…..
On waking this morning l was thinking about alchemy ( planet Mercury) and how this process is not magic but nature.This can be seen quite easily by studying a crystal. Clear quartz is a good example. A clear quartz grows and develops by its “ environment “ , yes the moon and Mother Earth is theirs. There are extremities like heat which alter the developing crystal being as well as iron or lead or tin or sulphur etc, these to…..
The Saturn-Pluto conjunction at 22° Capricorn and its outcomes for natives with Saturn-Pluto aspects On waking after sleeping badly I realised I had been lucid, in dream state most of the night. There were just so many stories, visions I had witnessed that I neither had the time – Saturn nor the memory – Mercury (square Neptune natally) to record. Hubby (Gemini) was awake, he had also slept badly..making tea and returning to bed l needed to offload onto paper,…..
It was yesterday whilst re visiting my former self as Bella my great gran I must have stirred the pot so to speak or flicked the pages in the akashic as I realised upon waking this morning that yet again my “skill set” from my/ her life as a prostitute had emerged in this life as a continuing theme. It went like this; In that life I had sold my body as my Venus is in…..
Today as Mars marched onto 7 Leo, conjunct Mercury I got triggered as my ascendant at 7 Scorpio is ruled by Mars (and Pluto). Natal Mars being posited on 7 Pisces which is in the fourth house – the home, the roots and the ancestry..and here lies the gold…it was also due to transit Lilith now reaching that mars at 7 Pisces that I suddenly-Mercury/ Uranus in mutual reception – got more insight to do with my former life as…..
I had long since known how I had met my losses, through my twelfth house cusp and how it’s ruler was posited in my third house (of Mercury). People had died in cars, dad for one, that one through suicide, very twelfth. It was in the local neighbourhood, the garage to be exact and in my early education we (me and my gem sis) were stigmatised and talked about, so yeah I get the connection. I thought a couple of days…..
This morning I received another wafting in of Jupiter retro which is opposing natal Jupiter retro in gemini it’s place at the head of my T square of Pluto/ Uranus and itself opposing Saturn / Chiron. Currently Mercury /Neptune/ Venus in transit posited on the natal Saturn/Chiron. The tone was sombre, the mood serious, the information that was communicated was profound, I heard it, felt it in my cells and tissues. My very existence at soul level became opaque, transparent…..
I had done much research on my new method, working through everyone’s twelfth house cusps and wordplaying on what the cusp an ruler held in it. I had found that I, the daughter had residues of my fathers issues in my twelfth house, this happened a lot, my husband the same he’s carrying his dads losses. It was interesting how my previous forays into karma, using a much known about method whereby the lunar nodes tell a story of past…..
Whilst contemplating with a cup of tea in the garden hut my attention was brought to Antoine fish,(real surname!) she was a friend I had when I was in infant school- Mercury- she lived local as you would expect, my train of thought went like this, I can remember her house on an estate and also the tropical fish shop next door but one to her house, my dad was an avid fish keeper and many times we went to…..