I had long since known about the Vedic method of ruler ship whereby the ruler of my twelfth house of losses/trouble was in my third house, as I have Libra on my twelfth, Venus in the third is where I have previously met my losses; in a variety of ways. It’s Gemini’s house, so don’t be surprised that I have issues with my older sibling (a sister), and the neighbours (this is another blog post entirely) as well as the…..
Instability to do with love and money – Venus Issues Whilst out and about locally last year I met a middle aged woman at a place I frequented where I knew the owner who had an antique shop.This woman worked for him restoring furniture. She’s a Scorpio rising with a Leo sun, she breathed new life into old shit -Scorpio and made it look nice – Leo. It turned out that this year has been tough for her, as she’s…..