Recurring themes in my mother’s life and my own. When I was a child, my mother and us lived door to a miserable old cow, she never spoke even when my mother said hello, she would put her head down and scuttle off inside. Nevertheless her lovely husband would ring -Mercury- communicate with -my mother next door- third house- and politely ask her to run round with a message-Gemini- for the miserable old bat, his wife. My mother did this…..
There once was a woman, a relative born in 1876.. Bella ( she was my great gran) who met Ernest born 1877. When they had had their children, one unfortunately had died, (the first son) and this had impacted the line of surviving women, further impacting Gerty ( my gran) by what she had received via umbilicus. And how it continued in succession down the line. How he ( Ernest ) went insane- allegedly and how she survived, keeping herself…..
Today on awaking I was having one of my usual lucid moments where things I have made conscious during daylight hours through study of astrology or simply interacting with people were to be explained by someone dear departed. It’s almost like I have to think it first and as I ask myself many questions about it, whatever it is, my guides then go and find me the answers (sometimes this takes weeks). I had posted here earlier in the week…..
Two days ago I wrote about my eldest daughter and her 24 /27 degree Capricorn degrees which are currently being activated by her lodgers 24 Cancer Venus. Hmm tell me about it.The Sabian symbol for Cancer 24 degrees speaks of triangulation within relationships.This was fresh in my mind -what she sent me the night before last by text, when my friend called. She is going through a divorce- Uranus again- she’s 40 and she’s getting rebellious and status quo challenging…..
Last night my eldest daughter text, “Mom, my lodger James has had a woman in the house whilst I’ve been away with work”. Lol I thought, she’s jealous, despite him just renting the room. The reason I laugh is that many years ago I had been her, meaning I had rented a room off in my first house for the same reason. Me and my lodger had ‘become an item’ and she and her sister are the living proof. She’s…..
When I awoke and got going yesterday the third I soon realised I felt overwhelmed, discombobulated and irritated. Almost as soon as the thoughts about how I felt- moon- came into my mind I remembered the eclipse approaching on the 5 th of Jan. With my seven planets and asteroids in moons house – the fourth – I get the moon , and the moon gets me, literally. I had planned to take our Christmas tree down and put away…..
My teenage daughter had left home to live with her father late 2010- unbeknownst to me Venus had been retrograde in Scorpio at this time. Times were sure not easy but carry on I did , I had three other kids to think about ,a business and a house to run. Things took a massive turn for the worst in June 2012 when my daughter who had left got back in touch and it was then that I got my…..
I had recently discovered a book written by Brian Clark, an astrologer, called the sibling constellation. He had continued and proven my many theories and musings about what I had discovered myself regarding my own sibling /cousin/aunts relationships and how / if I had learnt to relate through them .If not, had I learnt how to relate whilst in my early school life – more third house/ Geminis house.As well as that, what did I find or learn exactly ?Were…..
It’s many years since I first noticed I had this effect on people. Despite the fact that I never needed to say anything, women especially, would meet me and somehow realise they no longer needed or wanted to be married to their current husbands. Once I was a student on a college course, I was studying anatomy, physiology and massage. A lecturer who was a lot older than me also had a business, she offered me a part time job…..
In days of old gatherings of clan would have met for ritual. It was a time for ceremony, for giving thanks, for releasing and for sharing. Stonehenge was one such place. The solstices were when the veil was at its thinnest and re connection with the dear departed was easier to achieve. The moon would have been full and low, the air thick and expectant. They chanted, hummed and clapped intermittently. These days there is no such similar ceremony. We are only just relearning how to…..