A clear quartz grows and develops by its “ environment “ , yes the moon and Mother Earth is theirs. There are extremities like heat which alter the developing crystal being as well as iron or lead or tin or sulphur etc, these to colour the developing crystal. A clear quartz in the ground which is rich in iron will take on a dark red hue and will become known as Hematoid Quartz, this one will bring Mars energy, action, drive, creative ideas and focused energy to get up and get out of the blocks. sometimes after time the conditions or environment change and air ( or water, or fire) can enter the equation, maybe there’s been heavy rain and a landslide and what was below suddenly becomes above. Clearly Neptune energy is now imbued, it has merged. These crystals then alter and become useful for Neptune related watery conditions whereas before they were not. Whatever condition really does not matter, the only thing we need to note is “ the environment “ like the one we grew up in, our mother was our host, and maybe she was “ sick” . We are like mercury (immature children) and can adapt, take on different “colours”, different “conditions” and become multifaceted beings like crystals.
A further note worth mentioning is this, they can come from deep ( Pluto) in the ground or high up, in the mountains (Jupiter) further nuances can be noted in the energy or vibration of each locality ( Mercury) will colour is “ expression” . We know as astrologers that planet Mercury is a neutral one, but also as such it will be imbued in its purest form if posited next to a malefic for instance.
Bear in mind that all crystals are benign, loving beings and do not then become a negative plutonic one but rather a profound healing tool as an energetic being that only brings Pluto’s better attributes. Crystals are not l must say like people.
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