Ancestral charts fascinate me, my late father had Mercury in Scorpio in his sixth house, with Scorpio on the cusp. He worked in a forge.
My older sister (as a first born is doing dad’s karma) she has Pluto in her sixth house, conjunct Uranus, from her role in HR she oversaw the safety for gangs of men who worked on the electric power lines.(the national grid)
As a second born child l follow mothers karma, but will go looking for sib (s) chart in terms of the partner l will ultimately seek out.
But all little girls also look for daddy. As that’s her first male interaction.
We all archetypically search for the energetic signature that we are familiar with.
Therefore l married a man with Pluto in his sixth house, conjunct Uranus.
He generates electricity, (power) for the national grid.
All three of them (dad, sis and hubby) with either Scorpio or Pluto on their sixth cusp are obsessed with work. Workaholics.
As a child growing up that was normal in our house. Sis became dad (as she was firstborn) . And l became mother, (as l was second born) whose job was cooking, child rearing and supporting the man around the house so he could work harder, longer and smarter.
Our son has Pluto in Sagittarius in the sixth as part of a stellium, so he’s the third in the line….needless to say he works very hard as well.
His sister, a second born, likewise she’s got Pluto also in saggy in her sixth, but with Scorpio on the cusp…she’s studying psychology.
Furthermore, my sis’s daughter has Pluto in her sixth in saggy with the cusp in Scorpio.
We are all on the same page (wheel), and it’s boring. Fancy all coming to earth to re do the same shit!
Learning astrology and unpicking ancestral charts helps moderate imbalances in the natal chart/ life.
Furthermore with Pluto / Scorpio if you see a pattern in the family and you make it conscious by doing so you have part way healed it.
Mercury in Scorpio in dad’s sixth was put there at birth and became an issue for him only at work many years later via his co workers.
They ribbed him relentlessly and ruthlessly, Scorpio, with “banter”. That be Mercury won’t it?
He was the butt of “thick” jokes as he had not received even a basic education, Mercury.
As a child his parents and he were evicted regularly as his mother did not pay the rent. He and his twin, Mercury, were evicted 11 times in 11 years. So school after school after school. They never settled and could not have made any real friends. So with Mercury in Scorpio the co workers brung it as the energy was there and needed using and dad was used to being the outcast, he also had Uranus in Aries in his 12th house and in a perfect square to Pluto, the ruler.
When dad had left school at 15, he went to the forge/ foundry as steady work, dark , oily conditions were that Mercury in Scorpio in his sixth… he went into lodgings, even though his full time take home pay did not cover his rent, the landlady agreed to take him in as she had a spare room and he assured her he would do jobs locally.
Imagine one day coming home, her husband was away and she suggested rather than dad clean her bike instead he took her upstairs and gave her the once over.
Ffs, he was a virginal, innocent boy and he must have shit a literal brick.
Anyways he cleaned the bike and moved out soon as he could.
That be Mercury in Scorpio again, this time contract (Mercury) being a tenancy agreement and payment being in kind. (Scorpio)
Later on when he met my mother and they had married, they bought their first house.
Not long after it became apparent that the married woman next door was a prostitute. Her name was Mrs Prosser.
Names are important btw.
They moved.
That be Mercury in Scorpio again innit.
Thing is dad did not know he had prostitution in his ancestral line, his gran had worked the streets as believe it or not she (a woman) was not educated and after his grandad had entered the asylum alleged insane she had no other way to feed her two daughters, one of which was his mother (the one who had not paid the rent). So history (Karma) repeats.
That grandmother was me. I am here again in the same line.
My next post will delve into the life of Bella, my own great gran and the residues l have in this life in my cells and tissues as Kat, about her run ins, her escapades, trials, and how those very same have come up for me in this life.
We are not dead, they are not dead, as they live on in our DNA as ancestral memories.