It was yesterday whilst re visiting my former self as Bella my great gran I must have stirred the pot so to speak or flicked the pages in the akashic as I realised upon waking this morning that yet again my “skill set” from my/ her life as a prostitute had emerged in this life as a continuing theme. It went like this; In that life I had sold my body as my Venus is in Mercurys house and yes it was in the local neighbourhood as it was the third house, as Venus is in Capricorn this was my business- and of course it was hard work.
This time around I had a different business, being trained as a masseur, using aromatherapy – essential oils to bring healing to my clients. I used my mercury hands, to soothe, relax and to heal their Venus- bodys’ and their minds- Mercury. Whilst I did this they sometimes confided in me – their secrets– Pluto /Uranus in Virgo in the tenth house, often the secrets were shameful and occasionally I would be shocked.
All this they were holding in their Venus- body tissues.
A pattern emerged, they were infertile, needed to relax, were undergoing IVF or had been through this and it had failed. I had discovered around that time that I had a red Indian guide called Scarlet Feather and when I was blending the oils with my trusty recipe book he would chip in upping the dose and altering the oils stated, my Mercury- left brain would say “that’s a hell of a dose, that completely renders my insurance useless, bla bla bla” and all I remember was him saying “ trust me”.
As time went on two infertile, IVF failed women had arrived on my couch.The first one I had told about the recipe in my blend book, about the dose and how it was an ancient uterine tonic and reputed to help with endometriosis and fibroids. I told her I had never used it for this before but I felt lucky, my jupe in the eighth is my red Indian guide, it’s in Gemini and this was his route in to me, my mind and my hands of course. This first woman was pregnant on the very first month of using these blends. She only paid me – Venus- when she had conceived which had been our arrangement.
She had appreciated- Venus – me. This same process happened again to another couple, a few weeks had passed and the woman arrived with her husband and likewise brought the good news, of course jupe in Gemini in eight square to Pluto/ Uranus in Virgo is healing – eight house- jupe- pregnancy- and in square the other side to Saturn conjunct Chiron in Pisces in moons house as part of a stellium with Mercury on the IC ruling the jupe. Not long after my own Mercury- sister, arrived back from abroad, she was here as she had an appointment at the hospital as she had fibroids and endometriosis.
You can guess the rest and you likely are right. I did warn her not to have unprotected sex as I know this stuff works and I also knew at 40 she had never wanted a child. Hmm well guess again. A daughter was born and now I have a niece.. By now I had met Gregg, my lovely husband and when we discussing contraception he said “yes go on the pill by all means but I am infertile,” having low motility and a high percentage of damaged sperm. He had been married before me and had undergone IVF which had failed.Hmm Guess again …. This time we didn’t use the “uterine tonic” lol no we used reflexology. He actually could not stand me touching his vas deferens (tubes) or his prostate or any other bits on those areas on his feet but over four weeks he got less sensitive. I knew then I was fucking myself so to speak as I knew we would soon have a child….we did he’s 18’s all on this same lunar nodal cycle that I find myself round again on the loop.
This was all wonderful for these women and so rewarding for me, my Saturn conjunct Chiron, nevertheless the bulk of my business had been with the skin, healing acne and all sorts of other skin conditions. I loved – Venus – this job.
Many many times I saw remarkable healing take place, I saw spotty women with no confidence blossom and flower right before my eyes and actually I did grow to trust Scarlet Feather as in fact the blends had never failed. I now know that this was my Saturn placement, my reward so to speak was that I could heal others and that’s the Chiron/Saturn conjunct in Pisces. My specialty was removing blockages- Saturn- from the reproductive system, to cure infertility. As well as that the skin, another one of Saturn’s domains.
It was only this morning whilst talking to my mercury- sis, that I said I can heal Saturn stuff which is the skin and the bones…that ones for another day, but the teeth I went “I can’t cure them.”
Then I remembered back in 2016 I had come out of hospital, on a Saturn/ Neptune square I might add and an estate agent had turned up at my door as we were selling – Mercury this moon- house..she was looking goofy with her face all squewed up, she could barely speak – Mercury, she apologised about her jaw and how stiff – Saturn – it had become and that after leaving here she was going to the dentist as by gum it was painful, lol.
Anyway only God and probably Saturn know what went on in this kitchen but she virtually ran out of this house as apparently “I freaked her”. She was back five minutes later though and banging on my door like a deranged banshee. I opened the door and said “oh hello, what have you forgot?” Nothing she said but I just thought you ought to know that I am completely pain free with the full range of movement back in my jaw...I wish I knew wtf had taken place in this kitchen.
It seems I can heal – Chiron- Saturn style, meaning remove blockages, aiding anything from infertility to blocked arteries, heal the skin, teeth or bones as they all Saturn’s domain.